Saturday, June 25, 2011


As we flew into Bucharest, I thought I was flying back into Wisconsin. Quinn, my travel buddy, and I kept looking for cows, but unfortunately we didn’t see any. Quinn is also from Wisconsin. The first thing we did in Bucharest was buy a train ticket out of Bucharest. The second thing? MCDONALDS. Yes, we are that great of worldwide travelers. I wanted to try the ice cream at every McDonalds, but am quickly realizing (without disappointment) they are pretty similar in every country. This one had some crazy baby cones. After checking into our hostel, we accomplished the next most American thing possible to do. We went to H&M at the shopping mall we found. It was normal. Then we walked around the city, found a cute area to eat and went back. We took much needed showers, and Quinn went out again, I was exhausted both mentally and physically from my last few days in Istanbul. Today we walked more and more. I’m convinced we saw all of Bucharest in 24 hours. It was both cute and ugly. It had many green places which made it enjoyable, It also had some of the most disgusting buildings I’ve ever seen.
I also noticed guys love exposing their bellies. All the older men with pot bellies I’ve scene enjoy walking around with their shirts rolled up over them. The girls so far have worn incredibly short shorts/skirts (as Quinn pointed out).
I’m now currently on the train as I type this, and its almost sunset as we are traveling through what we think is translyvania. Its quite beautiful.

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