Saturday, November 13, 2010


I am trying to get caught up on my US newsources and I came across an article about protesting "Full body scans" when flying. Everyone is trying to opt out of it for thanksgiving weekend. As i was reading about all the phone call complaints and emails "vowing to quit flying" I started to chuckle. Americans, quick to complain about everything. how many of these people will acutally quit flying. yeah maybe they will not take AS many trips, but when they want to see their family across the country are they really going to take the extra days travel to drive there? No, Americans are lazy and just like to complain.

Now I've done my bit of traveling and I can honestly say that I was a little surprised when I had the full body scan as I left for Italy. I had read about it and hte jokes that people play on those watching the scans so I just kind of laughed as i walked through. I was fine with that. Why be mad at these people are trying to keep our country safe. Yes traveling in the US is dreadful. I will completly agree that traveling in the US is much more of a headache than any other country/ airport I have been too. I think there are two reasons. One being americans always think they are right and love to complain. and Two. We need it. Do you hear of other countries having terrorists bringing things on planes? No. people hate us. We need the tightened security or things will get worse. People complain about hte terrorists but when we take action to stop or prevent terrorist activities all of a sudden they are burdened. Can you never be happy? (I will admit this isnt a completely true statement about only us having terrorist activites as I also just read about a suicide bomber in Iraq's airport... but still some legitimacy here)

Speaking on safety. I find it very odd that both when I lived in London and now when I'm living in Istanbul, i feel safer than when I was in the US. These two cities have millions of people, arent bigger cities suppose to be filled with danger? I am just not as scared. I know muggings and such occur, but I also know that the liklihood of me being held up at gun point on my walk home are a lot less likely than it was in the states. I wish the US could somehow mirror the safety that I feel when i'm abroad, it would make a lot more inclined to come back. I know what you are thinking right now... probably expecially my family... christy there was just a suicide bomber in the square you walk through multiple times a day, and you feel safe? Well yes I do. The 35W bridge collapsed in the city i was living in, same thing. Freak accidents of nature. You can't live your life in fear, otherwise, life would suck.

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